Thursday, March 4, 2021

3D View of UWF Campus - Georeference

The map above depicts a georeferenced map of UWF campus in a 3D scene. In order to get this result, we georeferenced UWF images, roads and buildings to a base map. To do this, we link common characteristics of the images, roads and buildings to a base map. To determine how close the match is, we look at RMSE values. The lower the RMSE error, the more accurate the match is. In the bottom right, the RMSE for the North and South parts of UWF campus are listed. To get the 3D affect, we place the georeferenced map into a 3D scene, raise the building elevation and rotate/tilt the map to show all characteristics of the map. Building 72 and Campus Lane road have been digitized and are colored, so they can be easily depicted. Overall, the matching of the images, building and roads to the base map was the enjoyable part of this lab, as there are many ways to match them for better view of campus. I am hoping to use this tool in the near future. 

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