Friday, March 12, 2021

Final Project

The end of the course is here and for the final project, we had to work with the BobWhite-Manatee Transmission Project. For this project, we had to determine the location for the transmission line that causes the least disturbance to local homes, schools, daycares, and environmentally sensitive lands. This project allowed us to use the skills we learned during the course of the semester. Overall, this project was fun as it really tested my knowledge and skillset to meet the requirements. I will post below a link to the StoryMap I created and also the transcript of my talking points. 

Story Map:


Thursday, March 4, 2021

3D View of UWF Campus - Georeference

The map above depicts a georeferenced map of UWF campus in a 3D scene. In order to get this result, we georeferenced UWF images, roads and buildings to a base map. To do this, we link common characteristics of the images, roads and buildings to a base map. To determine how close the match is, we look at RMSE values. The lower the RMSE error, the more accurate the match is. In the bottom right, the RMSE for the North and South parts of UWF campus are listed. To get the 3D affect, we place the georeferenced map into a 3D scene, raise the building elevation and rotate/tilt the map to show all characteristics of the map. Building 72 and Campus Lane road have been digitized and are colored, so they can be easily depicted. Overall, the matching of the images, building and roads to the base map was the enjoyable part of this lab, as there are many ways to match them for better view of campus. I am hoping to use this tool in the near future. 

Eagle Nest Near UWF- Georeferencing

In this weeks lab, we were tasked to create a map to demonstrate a protected eagle nest in proximity to UWF campus. To do this, we used a multi-ring buffer to create two set distances from the point of the nest. The salmon colored ring shows 330 foot distance from the nest, while the gray shows 660 foot distance. The map of UWF campus was georeferenced based on imagery and set from control points to match the image to the base map. The RMS on the bottom right demonstrates accuracy between the image and base map. The lower the RMS number, the higher match accuracy. Overall, georeferencing the map was my favorite part, as you can determine how to match with different methods. I hope to use this technique in the near future. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


In this week's lab, we learned the technique of geocoding to create a map showing the different school types in Brevard County, Florida. The technique of geocoding uses addresses and converts them to spatial data that can be set into geographic coordinates. Using this technique gives coordinates to any address or location. In the map above, the school addresses have been geocoded and are represented as individual dots on the map. Each color represents a different school type (University, community college, etc.) in Brevard County. The map in the bottom right depicts Brevard County in the state of Florida. The link attached below takes you to the ArcGIS Online page that allows you to see this map in greater detail. Overall, I enjoyed making this map and I hope to make more of these in the near future. 

ArcGIS Online Link:

Thursday, February 18, 2021



This week's assignment was to analyze vectors and manipulate them to form end products like this map. To create this map, the original data underwent buffers, unions and some erasing to show possible campsites in De Soto National Forest. The campsites are ranked from good, better and best based on near distance to resources like roadways and water. The light blue/white areas on the map are good campsites. The darker blue areas on the map are better campsite locations. The purple areas are the best campsite locations within the forest. The smaller map on the right shows the location of the forest, represented by a red star. Making this map has been challenging compared to others I've made during the semester, but I'm eager to learn more ways to make maps as the semester goes on. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Florida County Projections

This weeks lab was the first introduction to projections and this map demonstrates three projections of counties in the state of Florida. Each map measured the same 4 counties: Escambia, Miami-Dade, Polk, and Alachua. Each map has slight differences based on the projection. The differences are slight when looking at the map, but can be seen when looking at the table on the bottom right. This table demonstrates square miles of each county. When comparing the numbers, you can see clear differences between the projections measurements. Overall, I enjoyed making this map and I look forward to making more projections as the semester goes on. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 This weeks lab was to work with cartography, and we learned how to work with symbology, layers, labeling, clipping and so on. In the main map, Escambia County is outlined in gray, with UWF symbolized as a blue star. The major highways that pass through Escambia County are in red and the major rivers are outlined in blue. On the corner map, the state of Florida is in gray, with Escambia County highlighted as red. I enjoyed making this map, as I got to put my own personal touch in designing it. I am looking forward to creating more this semester, and improving my skillset of map-making. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The image depicts the world's countries and cities. Each city is represented by a black dot. The exercise was designed to familiarize ourselves with ArcGIS Pro, as it is a program we will be using over the semester. We also learned how to create folders and export maps like this one. Overall, it was fun designing this map and learning the basics of the ArcGIS Pro program. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

 First week into the GIS course. We are training and familiarizing ourselves with the GIS program through ArgoApps. I am excited to see what all this class entails, and hopefully come out with a new skill that will benefit me in the future.